Early childcare - All you need to know

Early childcare - All you need to know

90,00 €

You are a nanny in France or a French-speaking country, but you’re not fluent enough to sign up for a training in French? Sign up with Edumiam, a well-known French startup leader in the e-learning for early childcare professionnals.

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En tant que parents, il est normal de souhaiter le meilleur accompagnement pour ses enfants, notamment lorsque l’on connaît l’importance des 1000 premiers jours pour le reste de la vie.

La pénurie de professionnelles de la petite enfance est telle aujourd’hui en France qu’il est difficile de trouver une solution de garde satisfaisante. Edumiam vous accompagne : vous cherchez la perle rare, nous la formons pour qu’elle ait connaissance des fondamentaux de l’accueil des jeunes enfants.


Vous êtes expatrié(e) et vous souhaitez offrir à votre nanny anglophone des formations professionnelles de qualité, revenant sur les fondamentaux de l’accueil des jeunes enfants, ou tournées davantage vers les émotions des jeunes enfants ? Faites appel à Edumiam, nos formations, 100% digitales, sont accessibles en ligne de tous les coins du monde, où et quand votre nanny le souhaitera.

De nouvelles connaissances pour votre nanny, des contenus qui vous rassureront en tant que parents : Edumiam est la solution pour vous !

What to expect with this training ?

This comprehensive, multi-themed program is ideal for developing or refreshing your skills and professional practices as an early childhood professional working with young children aged 0 to 3 years. The various modules will empower you to be a compassionate early childhood professional, capable of ensuring a child's safety in various domains, especially physical and emotional.


  • Module 1: Identify Your Mission with Children

  • Module 2: Welcome and Support the Child in Daily Life

  • Module 3: Ensure the Child's Awakening and Development

  • Module 4: Daily Exchange with the Family


  • Understand the role and responsibilities as a child caregiver

  • Address the safety needs of young children, considering their dependence and immature brain development

  • Provide appropriate daily support

  • Use play to assist the child's development

  • Offer diverse playtime and activities based on the child's needs, rhythms, interests, and availability

  • Develop a parent-friendly environment with fair and justified space for everyone

  • Communicate your welcoming practices to parents

  • Implement tools for smooth and compassionate communication


  • Duration: Between 2 and 4 hours

  • Access to Training: Accessible via phone, computer, or tablet

  • 100% Online Training

  • Teaching Methods: The training starts with a positioning questionnaire and concludes with a final assessment.

  • Registration and Access Time: The training program is available within 48 hours of your order and remains accessible for one year.

  • Evaluation Methods: Ongoing questionnaires and assessments, with a final evaluation at the end of the training.

🎉 Upon successful completion of the final evaluation, the person following the training (may it be the parent or the nanny) will receive a personalized certificate in their name.

Formation Jeu libre

Formation Jeu libre

120,00 €
Formation Transmissions et CNV

Formation Transmissions et CNV

120,00 €
Formation Éveil psychomoteur

Formation Éveil psychomoteur

120,00 €
Formation Accueil occasionnel

Formation Accueil occasionnel

120,00 €
Formation Handicap

Formation Handicap

120,00 €